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Infographic: Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the UK

Greenhouse Gases Infographic 1

This infographic will look in detail at some of the statistical insights into greenhouse gas emissions in the UK over the past few years. At Polythene UK, we’re looking to make a positive difference to the environment, and understanding Britain’s role in reducing emissions is essential to achieving this.

Greenhouse gas emissions

82% or total UK greenhouse gas emissions is Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Strikingly, the transport sector was responsible for approximately 21% of Britain’s emissions in the year 2013, contributing to the 74% rise since 1990.

Infographic Greenhouse Gases

The composition of greenhouse gases is interesting. As already stated, 82% is Carbon Dioxide. Methane contributes 10%, Nitrous Oxide 5%, and Flourinated Gases 3%. Businesses contributed a total of 16% to total UK emissions.

Greenhouse Gas UK

The waste management sector was responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in Britain. 91% of the emissions from this sector was Methane. Overall, it is mainly landfill sites that contribute towards these figures.

Greenhouse Gas UK

So, how do we aim to help the environment? Our revolutionary polythene products are made from sugar cane, which actively captures CO2 from the atmosphere, whilst releasing oxygen at the same time. By using this bio-based material, you can reduce your emissions to 0%, even after energy is used for manufacturing and shipping.

For more information about these products – Polyair, Polylite, and Polycomp, get in touch today. Call 0845 643 1601* or contact us online.

A message to our customers, partners and prospects

Since the start of the pandemic, Polythene UK have continued to ensure the safety of our staff, along with providing the best products and services, as we have done for the last 13 years.

We are fully operational. The safety of our staff, customers and wider public has always been our number one priority, and this continues to be the case by operating strictly under the governments guidelines.

Whilst we have a number of staff members working from home, to reduce the number of people within our office, you can still reach our team on 01993 220727*. Our warehouse is fully operational too, with strict social distancing measures in place.

There is no impact to our typical response and delivery times.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and custom, we hope you are all well and safe.